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Restorative & Yin Yoga

Slow it down and bask in the long-held, relaxed positions of Restorative & Yin Yoga

Yin Tree


Yin Tree

Jason Shaw

Feel the earth support you in this soft, slow, and subtle yin practice.

Soothing Waves


Soothing Waves

Emily Brown

Soften deep held tension using the ebb & flow of your breath

Rest & Restore


Rest & Restore

Emily Brown

Rejuvenate the wellspring of your energy so you continue to feel energized and present in your life.

Yin for Connection


Yin for Connection

Jason Shaw

Feel grounded in times when you feel adrift, encourages you to bask in long held, relaxed positions.

Chair Yin


Chair Yin

Emily Brown

With each posture, allow any effort, tension, and work, to melt into the chair as you rest on purpose.

Loving Kindness Yin


Loving Kindness Yin

Emily Brown

Cultivate loving kindness towards yourself in this Yin sequence that brings space into the body so you can soften into who you are.

Restorative in Bed


Restorative in Bed

Emily Brown

Treat yourself to a bit of restorative yoga in bed, whether it's to start out your day or to bring it to a relaxing close.

Wall Yin


Wall Yin

Emily Brown

Using a wall for support and a gentle inversion, we can soften deep held tension using our Yin practice.

Easeful Relaxation


Easeful Relaxation

Emily Brown

Use this restorative inversion practice, which supports our body's complimentary state - Rest & Digest - to hit the reset button.

Yin for Breath


Yin for Breath

Emily Brown

Open the space around your chest to feel the breath moving and nurture your connection to your breath.

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